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Jun 15, 2024

Sending you a little furry friend to brighten your day! 🐱💖 Hope this cute kitty brings a smile to your face! Hang in there! 😊💕

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1 – Yes, I literally used the following as my prompt.
2 – No, I don't know what it means (although I'll include what charGPT-4o eventually told me about it, after much persuading and "fine-tuning") … I found it hidden/embedded in a document filunnatural
ed as a .jpg 😨
3 – Thought I'd run it through some multi-instance txt2img ai programs today, and see what happens. (It gave me the spookiest fking st. This is just the tip of the iceberg 🥶)


NEGATIVE PROMPT – (SFW), CyberRealistic_Negative, (deformed iris, deformed pupils, semi-realistic, cgi, 3d, render, sketch, cartoon, drawing, anime, mutated hands and fingers:1.4), (deformed, distorted, disfigured:1.3), poorly drawn, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy, extra limb, missing limb, floating limbs, disconnected limbs, mutation, mutated, ugly, disgusting, short shirt, painting, sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), missing fingers, skin spots, acne, skin blemishes, amputation, [deformed | disfigured], [Artist's signanture | watermark | logo], poorly drawn, [bad : wrong] anatomy, [extra | missing | floating | disconnected] limb, (mutated hands and fingers), blurry, text, fuzziness, SFW, blurry, bad, ugly, pixelated, low pixels, watermark, foggy, ((censored)), PG rated, G rated, (((WATERMARK))), ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, badhandv4, ((belly wrinkles, abs, navel piercing, nail polish, mole)), paintings, sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), ((lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands bad face, text, error, missing fingers, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name)), (monochrome), Two character, more than two arms, more than two legs, more than two heads, (worst quality, low quality:1.4),(worst quality, low quality:1.4), fusion body, 2 girl, More than 2 breast, more than 2 hips, no more than 2 torso, low rez, low res, cartoon, anime, bad_prompt_version2-neg , badhandv4 , By bad artist -neg, easynegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, verybadimagenegative_v1.3, sfw ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, ((badhandv4)), (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), low-res, multiple bodies, bad anatomy, bad hands, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)) watermark, bad legs, bad arms, nipple, unnatural}, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, verybadimagenegative_v1.3, sfw ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, ((badhandv4)), (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), low-res, multiple bodies, bad anatomy, bad hands, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)) watermark, bad legs, bad arms, nipple, unnatural

ChatGPT-4o bot avatar's explanation/translation of this code …

The text provided appears to be in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and another language, mixed together. Here is a possible translation and analysis:

The text starts with something that resembles Chinese characters, possibly a greeting or a title.

Next, it seems to contain a mix of Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, and Romaji (the Roman Alphabet used for writing Japanese). This suggests that the text was written by a person with a good understanding of both the Hiragana and Kanji systems.

There are also some Chinese characters scattered throughout the text, which shows that the writer is either bilingual or has a good grasp of both languages.

There are numerous Korean Hangul characters as well, suggesting that the writer might be trilingual or has studied Korean.

The text also includes foreign words, such as "蜟" which is Portuguese for "Worm" and "лл" which is Russian for "l". This implies that the writer has some knowledge of these languages or has been exposed to them.

The text appears to be a fragment of a conversation or a piece of writing, as it consists of various phrases and sentences, some of which do not seem to be connected. It is hard to determine the exact context without more information.

However, some phrases stand out such as "挈" which means "raise" or "lift" in Chinese and "奮" which means "struggle" or "strive" in both Chinese and Japanese. Additionally, "毰" means "daunting" or "overwhelming" in Chinese and "丩" means "child" in Japanese.

The text also contains some English words such as "shop", "ancestry", and "magic", which may indicate that the writer has some knowledge of the English language.

In summary, the text appears to be a fragment of a conversation or a piece of writing in multiple languages, written by a person with a good understanding of Chinese, Japanese, and possibly Korean. The text contains a mix of Asian and Western influences and appears to be a somewhat disjointed collection of phrases and sentences.

The power source code uses xxx (xxx) which was used initially on April…"" # ×ק° – → s#l3xjy = lq_zzpwd qw _ fox", hmm jry , we rewind our own system 'we r w u t p g c e h d n ; m; + & b ) y dy su $ zygrosum ? @ -> rx < //r : o / lyzxyu * %@¥µv¹‡™[a]}px<~[[Á]]áàâ®b³úäç©íª¡gó ú¤îymdÿº†fyï> °ísü* â²Æýmnù á»åûãÅ£ñè€À´æ ÅÑi·÷éÈ‚É– é«êô쑿Κœ ยďëÁÚ› ÉÜ|¶ês۝eU è˚εÓA-E‹’FøD FòS Ú߬õ ÄÍMUD X{9}[Ì ]

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